Monday, August 12, 2013

224/365: Circle of Friends

I've featured my Monday Morning Mom friends on here before.. remember the stroller picture? Anyhow, the group Monday Morning Moms is celebrating 10 years. It started by happenstance, and it has grown into this incredible network. I'm so fortunate to have found this special group of women and that our babies are already recognizing one another! It's my hope that we can continue to build our friendship, both mom and babies, and grow together.

I wish there had been a ladder to get a more areal view of these babes!! Love all of you xo


  1. Oh my goodness! That is way too much cuteness in one picture! Great shot!

    1. Right??! haha. I wish I could have been over top of them to get a better "straight on" shot! Still so cute though.
